Paving calculator

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Paving Calculator
(Paver Calculator)

Pavers per sqm, cost per sqm

Paver Width mm:

Paver Length mm:

Paver Thickness mm:

Paver Price $:

Rotate Paver


Area Width m:

Area Length m:

Pavers per sqm: 0.00
Price per sqm:


Area in sqm:


Pavers per width: 0.00
Pavers per length: 0.00
Pavers per area: 0.00
Pavers price per area:
Pavers cubic metres:
Pavers weight kg:


Full pavers
Pavers per width: 0
Pavers per length: 0
Pavers per area: 0
Pavers price per area:
Pavers cubic metres:
Pavers weight kg:


Alternate smaller area
Width m: 0.00
Length m: 0.00
Pavers per width: 0
Pavers per length: 0
Pavers per area: 0
Pavers price per area: $0.00
Pavers cubic metres:
Pavers weight kg: 0.00



Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator instructions

The Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator was written to help you quickly work out the price per square metre for pavers and the number of pavers per square metre, given the size and price of a single paver, giving the cost of pavers.

The Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator also allows you to enter an area size so you can determine the size of the area in square metres, the number of pavers required for the area and cost of pavers. As the number of pavers is often not an exact number in each direction, a further calculation provides the total number of full pavers. Finally sometimes it may be possible for adjust the area to a slightly smaller area so only full sized pavers are used. The details of a smaller area is also provided and the cost of pavers.


Values to enter 

Paver width 

The width of the paver in millimetres. The width of the paver for the Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator is the shortest side.

Paver length 

The length of the paver in millimetres. The length of the paver for the Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator is the longest side.

Paver thickness 

The thickness of the paver in millimetres.

Paver price 

The price of a single paver in dollars and cents.

Rotate Paver 

Normally Rotate Paver is set to No, but if you have a paver which is rectangular and would like the length of the paver (the longer side) to run parallel with the width of the area (the shorter side of the area) then you can select Rotate Paver as Yes and when you submit the rotated paver dimensions will be used for the calculation.

Area width 

The area width is the width of the area to be paved measured in metres. The width of the area for the Paving Calculator is the shortest side.

Area length 

The area length is the length of the area to be paved measured in metres. The length of the area for the Paving Calculator is the longest side.

Results of the Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator 

The following results at the pavers as an area but does not take into account the number of full pavers.

Pavers per square metre
Price per square metre

Area in square metres

Pavers per width
Pavers per length
Pavers price per area
Pavers cubic meters
Pavers weight kg

Full Pavers

The following result determines the number of full pavers required with the resulting calculations based on full pavers.

Pavers per width
Pavers per length
Pavers price per area
Pavers cubic meters
Pavers weight kg

Alternate smaller area

When looking are paving you often measure the area and then base you calculations on the size of that area. However because this means you'll have to often cut some pavers to fit, if you can reduce the width and/or the length of the area to next lower full size paver you may be able to make a reasonable saving in paving and cutting. This section is simply provided as an idea because when we did our paving reducing the area slightly wasn't an issue, so this option helped us reduce the cost of pavers.

Pavers per width
Pavers per length
Pavers price per area
Pavers cubic meters
Pavers weight kg


  • It is often suggested those doing paving purchase around 10% more pavers than they need for the area. I don't know if this is because they only consider the area and not full pavers, or an exact area. However a few more pavers than you need may be wise in case you find cracks, defects, or if you make mistakes.
  • The calculator provides and option for sand or base calculations, helping you can find the volume of sand or base required. The option is provided on the menu as the Base/Sand menu item.
  • As part of reading about paving it appears when the base is compacted a quantity of base for 100 mm will compact down to about 75 mm. There when calculating how much base multiply the thickness of the base you want by 1.33 to help calculate the cubic metres required. With sand since it is just screeded you can just use the thickness you want.
  • To provide an estimate of the weight of the pavers the figure of 2400 kg per cubic metre of concrete was found on the internet and used in this calculate. The weight per cubic metre of different materials can vary. However it was felt having some weight guideline would be more handy than having no information at all.
  • The slope of the land I've read should be 10 - 15 mm per metre to ensure water runs off and away from house. Although a figure of 2% has been mentioned which would be 20 mm per metre.


The Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Paving Calculator - Paver Calculator is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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